Intro to online tools

Decorative - line image of a screen showing a video call

I'm getting ready to launch a beta of my 5 session Intro to online tools.

Session 1 What is the destination
Where are you now? Where do you want to be?
This is outcome based coaching and in this kickoff session I will make sure that I understand what you need

Session 2 - Video calling platforms
Zoom, Teams, Skype, what are their strengths and weaknesses? What are the basics for an attendee and for a host?

Session 3 - Online whiteboard tools
Miro, Mural, Zoom whiteboard, what are the capabilities of each and how easy or difficult are they to use?

Session 4 - Virtual Video calling space
Wonder, HyHyve, Gather are examples of advanced video calling platforms which allow people to move between groups in a virtual room better replicating how we meet in person

Session 5  - Online task management
Trello, and Notion are examples of online services which allow project and task collaboration

If you are interested in being part of a beta group take a look here and sign up for updates or ask me anything on twitter @pixlz