Mentoring & Coaching

I come away from conversations with you feeling positive and like I can take on the day/challenge we discussed etc - more

I really value the coaching sessions I have with Sharon. More than any other coach I’ve worked with, she has an ability to create the space for me to further explore myself and come to realisations which move my personal journey and narrative forward. Indeed at times it seems that Sharon is picking up on key words and phrases and then allowing me to “zoom in” on them, recognising those areas which may be difficult, whether not fully formed ideas or not fully able to be articulated. 

Sharon is a coach that seems to be able to work to my rhythms. This involves a great deal of empathy and insight. Both are qualities Sharon has. I look forward to the sessions we have.

Challenging, supportive, thoughtful and reflective. Great to work with

Would fully recommend Sharon, she’s been great for our team 👍


Thinking back to how our days were planned, it was clear that we knew what to expect, and when the focus swayed you were always there to bring us back. So without being too assertive, you kept everyone on track. With such a diverse set of managers that was a key skill - more

I really enjoyed the Programme and it is a testament to your group participation skills that you kept us engaged for the full four days

Sharon is a great facilitator and her ability to keep things flowing really helped the pace of all the things that we covered.


We handpicked Sharon to lead and facilitate Civil Service Learning's 'Jam' at our annual conference Civil Service Live in London. Sharon listened to the brief and paid meticulous attention to detail ensuring the complex needs of senior leaders and teams were all met - more

It's fun to work with you, you're focused and supportive, you bring clarity to a project and you have a great taste in dogs

[You are] Always ready to lean in. I’ll never forget all your support in making #PermCamp happen.


Definitely do it. Immerse yourself in it. Turn your mobile off / leave it behind and give it 100% - the benefits will be enormous. Be prepared to contribute in order to get the most out of it - more

[The course] Gave me confidence by seeing how others solved problems similar to those I face. Helped me understand why we do some of the things that we do.

On the agile training for PHE - your teaching was fun and accessible and I was able to relate it to my work situation

If you would like to have a conversation about how I might be able to help you can directly book a 30 minute call. I look forward to hearing from you.