I am a coach and public speaker.

I work with people and organisations who/which are focused on learning for growth.

I advocate for people with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. My main focus is to change the narrative to one that focuses on how society and organisations can adapt to meet the needs of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD, rather than viewing their conditions as disabling.

I also work with whole teams to rapidly build supportive cultures and capability to accomplish a piece of work together e.g. digital and policy or operations colleagues working together on a service transformation.

Here are some testimonials.

Thank you for getting in touch. I am excited to connect with you and discuss how I can support you. Would you be interested in scheduling a 30-minute call to talk about your coaching needs? This will be a no-pressure conversation where we can explore what you hope to achieve through coaching. If you would like to schedule a call, please click on the link provided to book a time. Alternatively, you can also learn more about my coaching approach by having a look around the site. Thank you again for considering me as your coach.