Coaching for people with ADHD

Coaching can be a valuable tool for individuals with ADHD to help them identify and reach their personal and professional goals. Here are five  steps that a coaching process for a person with ADHD might involve:

  1. Assessment: The first step in coaching is to conduct an assessment of the individual's strengths, weaknesses, and current challenges.
  2. Goal-setting: After the assessment, the coach and the individual with ADHD can work together to set goals for the coaching engagement. These goals should be aligned with the individual's values and interests, and should take into account their unique challenges and strengths.
  3. Strategies: The coach and the individual can then work together to develop strategies that will help the individual overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. These strategies may include time management techniques, organisational skills, communication skills, and self-regulation strategies.
  4. Practice and feedback: The individual with ADHD can then practice these strategies and receive feedback from the coach. The coach can also provide ongoing support and accountability to help the individual stay on track.
  5. Review and adjustment: The coaching process should be reviewed periodically to ensure that the strategies and goals are still relevant and effective. Adjustments can be made as necessary based on the individual's progress and changing needs.