My ADHD story

In 2008, I met with a trainee who spoke to me about Dyspraxia and how it affected her life. As she described her experiences, I couldn't help but think that she was describing my own struggles. I purchased the book "That's the Way I Think - Dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD explained" by David Grant and read it cover to cover as soon as it arrived. The book confirmed that I had many of the symptoms associated with dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD.

That's the way I think by David Grant

I decided to seek out an assessment with Dr. Grant, who practiced in London. The assessment process was fascinating, and I was particularly interested in the results of my Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales scores. My verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, and processing speed scores were all within the top 91 or 98 percentile of the UK population. However, my working memory score was significantly lower, indicating that I may have ADHD as opposed to Dyslexia or Dyspraxia. The ADHD checklist I completed also suggested ADHD.

In the report, Dr Grant said that to confirm the diagnosis, signs of ADHD need to have been evident before the age of seven and manifest themselves in more than one setting. As I was 38 at the time of the assessment this would be difficult to prove.

This (sort of) diagnosis was very helpful. It helped me to think of my life and some of the challenges I have experienced in a different light. I am convinced that I have ADHD, and it has affected me throughout my life. This has also worsened with onset of perimenopause.

It has been 15 years since my assessment, and I wonder if it is worth pursuing another bearing in mind the long waiting lists for NHS and high costs associated with private assessment. I have never tried medication, and also I wonder if that could have had a positive affect on my working life.

This poat was originally posted for Neurodiversity Celebration Week. I think it is important to celebrate neurodiversity, as the more we talk about it and understand it the better for everyone. I see it as a difference rather than a disability however it has the potential to be disabling if people are put into situations which are not supportive.

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