ADHD Tax Strategies 2

I have done some research (Twitter search "ADHD tax") and in the next few posts I will go through some of the examples and explain how I try to reduce the frequency and minimise the effect.

Another issue with ADHD is inattention to future tasks which are important but not interesting.

Examples from the research: "forgetting to schedule a dentist appointment for years after moving into a new city leading to very expensive emergency dental work", "I paid for a whole year of Duolingo subscription for my daughter, because apparently I mucked up when setting a cancellation reminder on my calendar", "Wasn’t able to take out hundreds of my work retirement fund when I quit bc I was so overwhelmed and burnt out I could barely function so I missed the deadline.", "Sent money to a closed bank account and they would not let me send it back."

  • It helps some people to make lists and tick things off, find a system which works for you e.g. nice paper diary, interesting note taking software, sticky notes whatever. You might need to start again regularly to keep it interesting for your brain
  • Accountability - join an accountability group or create your own where you deal with life admin on a regular basis. This is sometimes referred to as "body doubling" and also works for jobs like decluttering, housework or writing
  • Each time something happens make a note of it, notice what happened and if possible why and try to work out ways to avoid it happening again or minimise the impact
  • Again from the research "I force myself to pay all insurance on Feb 10 every single year. Why February 10? I  no longer remember."
  • Coaching